Important Inequality

Important InequalityImportant Inequality
  1. Extension of one important inequality


  2. It is well known that the Hilbert inequality is an important inequality in applications .


  3. The weighted arithmetic-geometric mean inequality is a very important inequality in mathematics .


  4. This paper shows an inserted-value form of the weighted average inequality , Thus producting another important inequality .


  5. An important inequality is used to establish some criteria for the oscillation of forced difference equation and it is generalized to higher order .


  6. The existence of the quadratic variation of local square integrable strong martingales is proved . The important inequality of Burkholder Davis Gundy is obtained .


  7. In this paper , we use Sylvester inequality , properties of linear space , properties of rank of matrix and decomposition of matrix , then give a modification for an important inequality which is related to rank of matrix .


  8. One of the most important questions in inequality proof was discussed , i.e. , using the valid inequality to prove an inequality .


  9. As I told him , although I have concerns about some of his secondary points and policy prescriptions , I agree with his most important conclusions : inequality is a growing problem and that governments should play a role in reducing it .


  10. On the expenditure side , health care is one of the most important sources of inequality . Because rural income is strongly related to human capital , the uneven access to health care will translate into a larger income gap in the long run .


  11. Gender discrimination is an important aspect of social inequality in the United States .


  12. These results of experiment 1 and 2 suggested that the central executive system play a important role in solving inequality problems ;


  13. In virtually all rich countries other than America such benefits ( rather than progressive tax systems ) became the most important instruments for reducing inequality .


  14. Economical condition is one of the important factors that create inequality of educational opportunities , so subsidizing poor student is a powerful measure to promote equality of educational opportunities .


  15. The decomposition results reveals that education inequality is the most important contributor to urban-rural inequality in China , and it accounts for34.69 % of China 's urban-rural inequality !


  16. Chapter 3 discusses the fundamentals inequalities in the rearrangement invariant martingale space , such as the corresponding important Doob 's maximal inequality , Burkholder-Gundy-Davis inequality and Rosenthal 's inequality .


  17. The convex functions have a lot of superior properties . The definition and the convexity of it are established on the base of inequality . The fact makes convex functions be important tools to prove inequality . So we can establish and improve lots of inequalities .
